A beautiful company that creates No. 1 corporate value in the industry

Value system

Value system of New Kumho Asiana

Our group's value system consists of Mission (purpose), Vision (goal), Strategy, Spirit (Kumho Asiana spirit), Right People (Right people for Kumho Asiana), Leadership (manager’s virtues) and Culture (organizational culture).

  • Classification New Kumho Asiana
    Mission · Improving the quality of life for all of Kumho Asiana's stakeholders
    Vision · A beautiful corporation creating the highest corporate value in each related industry
    Strategy · 4 Core Management Principles
    Spirit Kumho Asiana Spirit · Enthusiasm and commitment
    Right People
    Right people for Kumho Asiana
    · A sincere and diligent person
    · A person who studies and learns
    · A serious and active person
    Leadership Manager’s virtues · Initiative / Judgment / Determination / Driving force
    Organizational culture · Open community culture that harmonizes order and freedom

Mission/Purpose >


  • Improving the quality of life of Kumho Asiana Group stakeholders
    Mission of Kumho Asiana Group
    The mission is to <improve the quality of life of Kumho Asiana Group stakeholders> , and the stakeholders that surround Kumho Asiana Group refer to employees, customers, shareholders, partners and society.


  • A beautiful company that creates No. 1 corporate value in the industry
    A beautiful company
    A firm, trustworthy company that keeps its promises without being criticized
    A company that fulfills its social responsibilities and role as a corporation and contributes to society
    A beautiful person
    They are people who play their part in their field with enthusiasm and commitment.
    A company created by beautiful people is a beautiful company, which is new Kumho Asiana


    4 Core Management Policies
    • Strategic management
      It means that all management activities should be done in sequence based on this order, regardless of the severity of the work. In particular, the goals and objectives should be clearly distinguished, and the goals and objectives are clearly divided and managed in the new values system.
      Talent management
      As the center of a company, it means people for employees with management based on humanism called people. We will ensure that individuals' abilities can be exercised through the selection of talented individuals who meet the values of the group, the cultivation through career development, and the assignment of roles appropriate to individual ability.
    • Quality management
      It means the management that never does irrational things. It is not criticized by the society and the surrounding and is not to ask others what he/she cannot do and not to compromise with the small profit in front and promote work reasonably according to the basic and principle.
      Ethical management
      It refers to the management that puts top priority on customer satisfaction based on always new and advanced technology, humbly accepts the customer's assessment of our service and quality and takes the responsibility to the end.

Kumho Asiana spirit

  • Enthusiasm(熱情)and commitment(執念)
    Enthusiasm and commitment
    The Kumho Asiana spirit was newly defined as “passion and commitment” by adding passion, the basic spirit of new Kumho Asiana to commitment, the founding spirit that has continued on without ceasing in our history. Passion, which is the basic attitude that we must have, refers to willingness to do something, passion that you want to do something, confidence that you can do, and commitment refers to achieving the goal by finding the best one of several alternatives without avoiding hardships and difficulties. We must have the spirit of "enthusiasm and commitment" to accomplish our goals with activeness and persistence in all things.

Right people for Kumho Asiana

  • A sincere and diligent person ·
    A person who studies and learns

    A serious and active person
    A sincere and diligent person
    A person who is honest and hardworking, constantly striving to improve his/her organization and himself/ herself and acts fast
    A person who studies and learns
    A person who promotes improvement and change by studying and learning deeply for the organization and his/her development
    A serious and active person
    A person who takes the initiative in everything for the organization and his/her development with responsibility and serious attitude and pushes the goal to the end enthusiastically

Leadership Manager’s virtues

  • Initiative · Judgement · Decision · Driving force
    His/her speech and action are consistent and he/she takes the initiative with a sincere and serious attitude. He/she has a reasonable standard in choices and decisions and does not try to rationalize his/her mistakes. He/she knows how to draw a line between public and private matters for the development of the organization and has the strong responsibility for his/her assigned tasks.
    He/she can set goals and objectives accurately and plan and judge consistently with strategic thinking and long-term vision. He/she knows how to determine the core of the situation accurately and summarize the complicated matters. He/she can use his/her expertise and information according to the situation and find a suitable choice with a sense of balance.
    He/she judges various situations in a comprehensive manner and does not hesitate to make choices. He/she does not miss the timing of his/her choice to solve the problem.
    Driving force
    He/she knows how to lead an organization with enthusiasm for work and an active attitude. He/she knows how to engage in a given task with commitment to achieve goals. He/sh tries to achieve difficult goals without giving them up.

Organizational culture

  • Open community culture that harmonizes order and freedom
    Order and freedom
    It is as if order and freedom cross each other to create beautiful melodies like the melody of a symphony and refers to culture in which past practices and new standards · seniors and juniors · conservatism and progressivism · competition and cooperation coexist and are in harmony