On July 9, 2009, Asiana Airlines obtained ISAGO certification for the first time among domestic ground operators. Obtaining this certification for the first time in Korea and the 15th in the world from the International Air Transportation Association, the International Association of the Aviation Industry, Asiana Airlines has become one of the world's leading operators.
Asiana Airlines applied for certification to IATA on March 12 to introduce the ISAGO program, which was launched last year, and passed the headquarters system evaluation and the on-site evaluation in March and April, respectively.
We completed all the examination processes until June 2009, notified the results to IATA and finally finished the certification through self-quality inspection. The expected effects of acquiring ISAGO certification include enhanced competitiveness of operation due to the acquisition of international safety certification specialized in the field of ground handling service, improved image for customers and settlement as an advanced operator due to the establishment of a safety management system in accordance with IATA regulations.
In addition, the certification from the international organization has inspired the pride and loyalty to the company of employees.
This certification is more meaningful as it is the result of externally acknowledged efforts of the employees who showed the unity for safe operation. In addition to this, Asiana Airport will continue to make every effort to become the world's No. 1 advanced operator by realizing safe operation and providing high quality service. Thank you.
What is ISAGO certification?
ISAGO is a certification program developed for ground operators who provide services to airlines at airports. This certification is a standardized system tailored to the nature and scope of operation of each organization under inspection and is a specialized international safety certification program in the field of ground handling services.
ASIANA AIRPORT is the first ground operator in the bonded area who obtained AEO certification. In April 2014, it has been approved by the Korea Customs Service for AEO re-certification and has been upgraded from A grade, the operation of the former bonded area, to AA grade. AEO means a company that has been authorized by its Customs Offices in compliance with World Customs Organization's (WCO) Import and Export Supply Chain Safety Management Standards or equivalent standards among the logistics entities such as shippers, customs brokers, carriers, warehousers, ships, airlines, loading and unloading traders.
In particular, AEO is valid not only in its own country also in other foreign countries that signed Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA).
ASIANA AIRPORT not only was officially authorized by Korea Customs Services for its reliability and safety but also we raised the image of being a safe company recognized by the customs of the trading partner countries.
The aviation fuel quality control application standard is based on “Guidelines for Aviation Fuel Quality Control & Operating Procedures for Joint Airport Depots (IATA Endorsed)”, which is the strictest in the world, and top-level aviation fuel quality control service is recognized through the regular / frequent checks of national airlines and foreign airliners including IATA.
We have set items related to baggage, cargo damage and aircraft timing, which are the most closely related to customers. Selecting the best performance over the past five years as the target figure of management indicators, we are doing our best to achieve the target.
We are participating in various external quality management competitions in order to improve quality competitiveness by improving field work through presentation of best practices related to quality improvement activities. Since winning the Encouragement Prize for the first time at the Seoul Competition in 1996, we have been doing well every year such as Presidential sliver prize in 1999, 2001, 2002 and Presidential Gold Award and Encouragement Prize in 2003. In addition, we hold in-house competition events twice a year to actively support quality improvement activities and ensure that good ideas are reflected in productivity improvements.
In order to reduce the cost and improve the operation quality, we accept the ideas and suggestions of our employees, evaluate them and reward excellent suggestions. The adopted proposal is reflected in the actual operation, achieving a lot of effects.